Conversation Transcript

The Conversations API exposes the transcript of a user.


Conversations represent a distinct set of interactions between an application and an end user. At any given time, only a single application can send messages to a user.

The entirety of a user's interactions are delineated by changes in conversational control. That is, a control change from one application to another, ends one conversation and begins another in the Snaps system. However, a user experiences these conversations as a single integrated thread with multiple participants.

Applications also have access to the entirety of a user's interactions; we call this the transcript. The transcript represents all messages from all applications along with a number of other events that enrich the transcript. Events such as click to website, page views, purchases and other custom events are layered into the transcript to provide customer service agents and machine learning algorithms with optimal context.

Full User Transcript

It will sometimes be useful to display a view of a user's conversation. The endpoint conversations/transcript will return a list of events describing the user's conversation. You can use this to provide additional context to customer service agents about the user's actions prior to entering handoff.

const basic_auth = `Basic ${ Buffer.from(credentialsId + ':' + credentialsSecret).toString('base64') }`;
  uri: "",
  method: "GET",
  headers: { Authorization: basic_auth },
  json: {
    snaps_user_id: ''
  json: true
}, (err, response, body) => {
  if (err) return console.error(err);
  console.log("status code:", response.statusCode);
  console.dir(body, { depth: null });

Try making the above request and you should receive a response like:

  transcript: []
  • url: An array of events.