Block Analysis

Understand user journeys and analyze drop-off.


Block Analysis utilizes a sankey diagram to identify the most frequent paths taken by users within your bot. Sankeys are a specific type of flow diagram, in which the width of the arrows is shown proportionally to the flow quantity.


1. Current Block - The current block you'e looking at, you can switch to another block by using the drop down.
2. Overview Numbers - Total pass through rate and click out rate for a given block.
3. From Blocks - These are the blocks that users come from to get to the current block.
4. To Blocks - These are the most common blocks your users go to from the current block.

Unique Users vs Total Visits

Hover over a block in the sankey to see a breakdown of unique users and total visits to a block. The percentages shown next to the name of each block are based off of total numbers.


Other Blocks

If there's more than 5 paths into or out of a block, the blocks that users visit the least are compiled into a path called "Other Blocks". Click on this path to see a breakdown.


Button Analysis

Button analysis shows how many times buttons and quick replies on a given block have been clicked.


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