Facebook Analytics

The Facebook Analytics plugin allows Snaps to send event data back to Facebook analytics in order to track events on Facebook's platform.


Sending Snaps events to Facebook is useful for a myriad of different use cases, two of the most common are:

  1. Creating funnels in Facebook Analytics (bot activity to on-site purchases)
  2. Funneling bot users back into Facebook for custom audiences that can be used in ads


The set-up for this plugin is simple.

  1. Add in the Facebook app ID
  2. Publish your production bot

Please contact your customer success manager for your Facebook app ID.

Default Events

By default, Snaps sends three events back to Facebook. Each of these events has 'parameters' which allow you to refine your events when creating funnels / segments in Facebook Analytics.


Specialized Custom Events

On request, we can post up more events as well. For example, if you'd an event for a user completing a quiz in bot, we can post that to Facebook as a separate 'quiz_complete' event.

This is a transition to block, anytime a user types free text or taps a button / quick reply, they go to a different state / block.

buttonIndexThe index of the button relative to other buttons on that block, starts with 0.
buttonTitleThe title of the button that was clicked.
fromResourceIdThe ID of the block (found in the Snaps CMS) that the user was on when they clicked a button or typed free text.
fromResourceNameThe name of the block that the user was on when they clicked a button or typed free text.
toResourceIdThe ID of the block (found in the Snaps CMS) that the user went to when they clicked a button or typed free text.
toResourceNameThe name of the block that the user went to when they clicked a button or typed free text.
userTextThe free text that the user typed on that block.
viaHow the stateChange was triggered, by the user typing free text, clicking a button, coming from a referral, clicking get_started, uploading files.

This is a link click.

fromResourceIdThe ID of the block (found in the Snaps CMS) that the user was on when they clicked the link.
fromResourceNameThe name of the block that the user was on when they clicked the link.
toResourceIdThe ID of the block (found in the Snaps CMS) that the user went to when they clicked a button or typed free text.
toResourceNameThe name of the block that the user went to when they clicked a button or typed free text.
urlThe URL that the user clicked.

This is triggered when a user comes in through an acquisition source which includes ads / m.me links / STM. Since we do not receive referral webhook events from Facebook for organic or discover users, they would not be included in this segment.

channelTypeThe channel the user is on.
refThe ID of the acquisition source that the user came from.
sourceThe name of the source (from Facebook), this corresponds to the Facebook plugins and includes ads / m.me links / discover / send to messenger plugin / checkbox plugin and more.
toResourceIdThe ID of the block (found in the Snaps CMS) that the user went to when they came in from this acquisition source.
toResourceNameThe name of the block that the user went to when they came in from this acquisition source.


User Properties Not Supported

Snaps is unable to send user properties that are set on users.