Default User Properties

Default User Properties

User PropertyTypeDescriptionDisplay Name
timezonestringThe difference in hours and minutes from Coordinated Universal Time ' +
'(UTC) for a particular place and date, not necessarily correlated with location.'
localestringLocale of the user on Facebook. The basic format is ll_CC, ' +
'where ll is a two-letter language code, and CC is a two-letter country code.' +
'For example, users in Thailand can have en-US as their locale where en is the ' +
'language code for English and US is the country code for the US.
langstringThe language the user has set. Combined with the country code ' +
'will give you the full locale of the user.
valueIn: ['male', 'female']
The gender of the user.Gender
nonReportablebooleanTrue if the user's activity should be hidden in analytics.Non Reportable
userLocationstringA user's location entered via free text or from a location quick reply.Location
userPhoneNumberstringA user's phone number entered via free text or from a phone number quick reply.Phone Number
userEmailstringA user's email address entered via free text or from an email quick reply.Email
lastInteractionTimetimeA timestamp indicating the last time the user performed an action.Last Interaction Time
lastNotifTimetimeA timestamp indicating the last time the user was sent a notification.Last Notification Time
hasblockedbooleanUsers who have blocked the bot. This means we will not be able to send notifications or messages to this user until they reinitiate contact with the bot.Blocked By User
currentStatestringThe id of the block that the user last transitioned to.Current Block
currentGroupstringThe id of the group containing the block the user last transitioned to.Current Group
loc_country_codestringThe country code as determined by the IP the user was last seen at.Country Code
loc_region_codestringThe region code as determined by the IP the user was last seen at.Region Code
loc_citystringThe city name as determined by the IP the user was last seen at.City
original_referral_sourcestringThe source this user originally entered from. Non set for organic users.Original Referral Source
original_referral_idstringThe id of the referral this user originally entered from. Non set for organic users.Original Referral Id

Default Platform User Properties


Snaps receives some default user properties from Facebook. If a user chooses not to share this information with Facebook, they will not have the following user properties:

  • Gender
  • Timezone
  • Locale
  • Language

It is now required that during the application review process you submit for access to timezone , locale, gender, and language. See more about the Facebook App Submission Process.