Private Replies

Understand how your Private Replies are performing over time.



Private Replies Sent - Shows Private Replies sent, engagement, and click out over time. Hover over an individual day for a breakdown.


1. Private Reply - The name of the Private Reply
2. Post Name - The name of the post the Private Reply is running on.
3. Block - The block being sent in the Private Reply, click on the block to view block analysis, or click on preview to view what the block looks like.
5. Engaged Users - The percentage of times that users took an action within 24 hours of receiving the Private Reply.
6. Depth - The average number of Actions users took within 24 hours of receiving the Private Reply.
7. Click out Rate - The percentage of times users clicked any link within the bot within 24 hours of receiving the Private reply.
8. Tags - The tags applied to a given Private reply, click on a tag to filter the table by that tag, read more about Tags.