Google Analytics

Available Events

A list of the standard events that can be passed from Snaps to Google Analytics. Depending on how your automated experience is configured, not all of these events will be available. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager for more information

Google Analytics Event NameDefinition
chatOpenA user opened the chat.
chatCloseA user closed the chat.
chatShownThe chat was visible on the page a user visited.
userEngagedThe user transitioned to a block within the chat that wasn't the welcome block or a reengagement, meaning they typed in text or clicked a button.
linkClickA user clicked a link from within the chat.
handoffEnterA user was handed off from the automated chat a live agent.
handoffExitA user was handed back from a live agent to the automated chat.

Google Client ID vs Snaps Session Length

In order to recognize returning customers, Google uses a Client ID, a "unique, randomly generated string that gets stored in the browsers cookies", the length of which can be configured in Google Analytics.

In Snaps, returning users are most often recognized by having an active session, the length of which can be configured for each web channel.

The duration of these two will most likely be different, meaning that a user could look new in Snaps analytics, but show as a returning user in Google Analytics, or vice versa.