Event Tracking - Custom Events

You can track and measure any event that occurs on your website using the Snaps SDK. Tracking events can be helpful for measuring conversion from your bot to an action taken on your website.

Events can be sent using the track command, followed by a string with the eventName you are tracking. Finally, you can pass an optional eventProperties parameter with an object containing additional metadata about the event.

sp('track', eventName, eventProperties);

For example, if you wanted to track a button click on your website, you could do the following:

sp('track', 'buttonClicked', { buttonTitle: 'Download Our Case Study' });

Snaps uses cookies to associate the event with the user who clicked out from your bot. These events will then be available in the Analytics section of the Snaps CMS. Unlike standard events, you may need a custom report to view these events. Please contact your customer success manager for more information on getting a custom report.