Frequently asked questions

Which method should we use?

We recommend option 1, the JavaScript snippet, which allows you to post multiple events on a single page. Option 2 has the strongest backwards compatibility and may also be used in email campaigns.

How do we know if it’s set up properly?

We will have test data coming in and we can coordinate with you to make sure it looks right and covers your analytic/retargeting needs.

What events should we track?

This varies on a case by case basis, but it’s usually focused on some type of conversion event (a purchase or a form submission.

Compatible Browsers

The Snaps pixel has been tested to be compatible with the following browsers (the past five years of major browsers, back to 2016).

Edge 77+
Firefox 19+
Safari 7.1+
Chrome 16+

If you need further compatibility, please let us know. We recommend doing your own standard testing across browsers before pushing to production.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please contact your Customer Success Manager or [email protected] and we’d be happy to get on a call and walk through it.


Next Steps

Once you have decided which option you would like to implement (we recommend 1 then 2, in that order), let us know and we will generate a unique pixel/code for you.