The Snaps training tool allows you to improve your NLP in real time based on what your users are saying to your bot.

Training Table

The Training page shows a list of free text input from your users. Logs for your bot's interactions automatically appear in the conversation list as customers chat with your bot.

For each entry in the list, the following information is displayed:


1. User - The profile picture of the user, clicking the photo will bring you to their User Properties & Activity page.
2. Says - The free text entered by the user, clicking on the free text will open a transcript of the user's history with the bot.
3. Currently Simulated Intent - The intent that matched during last simulation. Each entry will be simulated when you load the training page.
4. Optimize - Add the user utterance as a sample to an intent if if it's matching incorrectly, or approve it if it's already matching correctly.
5.Values Extracted - Any slots that we're filled in the intent. To learn more about how slots work, read the classes documentation.



Use the simulate button in the top right corner of the training tool to simulate all the entries in your training table. This can be helpful when you've trained an intent that you believe may have impacted how other samples are matched.

Training Process

Review Utterances

Look for user utterances that did not trigger an intent. In the example below, the bot did not understand a user who was trying to buy tickets to an event.


An unmatched entry.


Sample Length

By default the training table only contains entries under 50 characters because shorter samples are better for intents.

Assign Intents

Use the "Assign" dropdown to select the correct intent your bot should respond with. In this case, "I want to buy ticket" should trigger the "ticket search" intent.



Click the checkbox next to the "Assign" dropdown in order to teach your NLP.



Get New Entries

By default, the training table shows 50 entries, once you've trained a few, you can add new entries using the "Get New Entries" in the bottom right corner.

Advanced Training

Editing user entries and adding slots

A pencil icon appears on each row upon hover which allows you to modify user input and leverage slots and classes in your training.


Once you click the icon the phrase appears in the right channel, allowing you to change the text and tag slots just as you can in the intent tool. For more information on how to use slots and classes, click here.


Reviewed User Input

The training tool keeps a record of all of the samples you've trained and reviewed. They can be accessed at any point from the reviewed/unreviewed dropdown.

The reviewed section shows how each entry was trained and lets you correct any mistake you might have made during training.


Extracted Values

Next to any utterance that triggers an intent you'll see a square with a count of how many slots were filled in that utterance. You can hover over the square to view more detailed information what slots were filled. To learn more about how to configure slots and classes, read the classes documentation.


Viewing the values extracted for a product search intent.

Multi Language Training

If your bot is live in multiple languages, you'll be able to train against free text in a specific language. Use the dropdown in the top right corner to switch languages and the utterances in the table will update.




If you have a bot that has two locales in use (say UK English and US English) training will add the sample to both intents.

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